Organization of Islamic Cooperation

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation welcomes the report of the Independent Review Committee on UNRWA

Jeddah (UNA/SPA) - The Organization of Islamic Cooperation welcomed the report issued by the Independent Review Committee on UNRWA, which concluded that the agency is committed to the humanitarian principle of neutrality, as well as the importance of its vital role in supporting relief and humanitarian efforts for millions of Palestinian refugees who are experiencing a crisis. Unprecedented humanity, especially in the Gaza Strip, as a result of the ongoing Israeli military aggression for more than six months in a row.

The organization indicated that the report’s emphasis on the agency’s adoption of effective mechanisms and procedures to promote the values ​​of the United Nations and humanitarian principles constitutes a clear response to the incitement that Israel, the occupying power, has continued to do against UNRWA in an attempt to end its role and liquidate the issue of Palestinian refugees. It also appreciated the positions of the countries that It announced new financial contributions, calling on all countries that announced the cessation of funding for UNRWA to review their decisions and resume their contributions in a way that ensures their continued responsibility towards providing basic services to millions of Palestinian refugees.

The organization reiterated that the presence of UNRWA and the continuation of its role represents a top priority from a humanitarian and relief perspective, and constitutes a witness to the collective international commitment towards the rights of Palestinian refugees and an element of stability in the region. It reiterated its commitment to fully support the role of UNRWA based on its firm and supportive position for the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, including This includes his right to return and self-determination, and embodying the establishment of his independent state on the 1967 borders with Jerusalem as its capital.

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