Organization of Islamic Cooperation

Memorandum of Understanding between the Jordanian Ministry of Awqaf and the International Islamic Fiqh Academy

Amman (UNA) - The Jordanian Ministry of Endowments, Islamic Affairs and Holy Sites and the International Islamic Fiqh Academy of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) signed today, Sunday, a memorandum of understanding aimed at enhancing cooperation in common fields, especially with regard to spreading Islamic knowledge and culture and preserving Islamic heritage. The agreement, which was signed by the Minister of Awqaf, Dr. Muhammad al-Khalayleh, and the Secretary-General of the academy, Dr. Qutb Mustafa Sano, aims to exchange sources of knowledge, education, publications and publications issued by the two parties, and to represent each party in an official capacity in all meetings related to the areas of joint cooperation. Dr. Al-Khalayleh said: The Ministry welcomes the signing of the memorandum for the exchange of experiences between the Ministry and the Academy, which is considered an important Islamic edifice, providing fatwas and legal advice, in addition to holding courses and seminars, which provide benefit to religious institutions. Pointing out that the ministry will work to provide expertise to the complex, in order to enhance and develop its work, and benefit from its expertise and experience. He added: The memorandum promotes continuous and fruitful cooperation in all areas and fields that the two parties seek, and works to deepen the areas of cooperation between them to confront contemporary issues, and is inspired by the Islamic approach in strengthening the ties between the two parties in what should be achieved, and in an effort to build bridges of cooperation between them in common fields. For his part, Sano said: The complex is looking forward to benefiting from the expertise of the Ministry of Endowments, through the memorandum, which will work on framing cooperation, holding more seminars and dialogues, and a specialized committee will be formed from both parties to determine aspects of cooperation and methods of implementation as envisioned in this memorandum. (I finish)

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