Islamabad (UNA) – Within the framework of the International Conference on Girls’ Education in the Muslim World: Challenges and Opportunities held in Islamabad on 12-11 January 2025, Ambassador Tariq Ali Bakhit, Assistant Secretary General for Humanitarian and Cultural Affairs, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), participated in a panel discussion on the role of women in peacemaking and peacebuilding.
In his speech, Ambassador Tariq pointed out that Security Council Resolution 1325 of 2000 constituted a significant turning point in international efforts to enhance this important role. In his speech, he presented a number of practical proposals to enhance the role of women in the areas of peace and security.
On the other hand, Ambassador Tariq reviewed the initiatives of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in this regard, referring to its Action Plan for the Advancement of Women (OPAWO), which was adopted in 2026, which emphasized the importance of women's participation in conflict resolution and peacebuilding. He added that the establishment of the Women's Development Organization as a specialized body aims to empower women in all fields, especially in decision-making and conflict resolution. On the other hand, Ambassador Tariq referred to the organization's international partnerships with many countries and organizations aimed at developing women's efforts in the areas of peace and security, enhancing economic empowerment and addressing issues of violence against women.
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